First and foremost: Happy New Year to everybody who drops by to check out the Norselands site, whether you’re a returning visitor or just came by for the first time!
This site has been around since 2017, and has regularly been updated with stories from the world of music. There is a decent archive at this point, covering different genres across multiple decades, although the strongest focus has always been on rock music in most of its forms.
In 2022, I will be taking a time-out from adding further entries to the site in order to focus on things closer to home. It will likely be a relatively quiet year on here, and rather than just leave people wondering if the site has been abandoned I thought I’d mention what’s going on here.
Having said that, it is entirely possible that something could get added anyway if I feel really inspired, but that would be an exception.
The site itself is not going away. The backlog of articles has reached a level at this point where I think most people can browse and find something new for a long time – unless you’re one of the very few who has stayed up to date with every single article since the start.
In due course, the normal level of activity will return.
The Rocking In the Norslands Instagram will be seeing some activity as I post about new albums from 2022 as I explore them, as well as other things – feel free to stay in touch over there.
I do hope you’ll continue to pass by the website as well. Please keep sharing the articles you like. The sharing of articles is really the main way this site grows, and I hope people will keep finding and exploring the site over the coming year.
Thank you very much for appreciating and supporting the site!
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